1 min read

Leapin’ Leopards!

8 Minute Read

Want to change your spots? Not until we see the past for the feral creature it is and, with trepidation, let it into our house, train it not to bite our guests, and give it its own dish will we reduce the odds its jaws will one day spring back upon our necks.

1 min read


11 Minute Read

When I dug into the recursive transformation of one of my dad’s revisionist paintings, it occurred to me that when we care for it the way a painter revisits an old canvas, the past is liberated to leap forward into its own future.

1 min read

No If And Or But

13 Minute Read

A longer-than-average post about shorter-than-average words and the subliminal messages they breathe into our mind’s ear.

1 min read

Irrational Will

18 Minute Read

The proper aim of life, even at its least creative, is handwritten on a secret card placed face down on the table before we draw our first breath. Our mothers, by some undiscoverable trick of love and light, seem always to know each word on the underside of not just their own card but of ours as well. 

1 min read

Five for a Dollar

8 Minute Read

Your love is such a thrill. But your love won’t pay my bills. —Janie Bradford & Berry Gordy, Money

1 min read

Silver Water

7 Minute Read

Being and Change is a U-tube. But what is a U-tube when it’s at home?

1 min read

Consider the Chatbot

4 Minute Read

This post was mostly written by a computer scientist/physicist friend of mine, Ken Ritley, and his favorite AI. It took me all of two minutes to sprinkle about my contribution to Ken’s dialog with a machine. Judge for yourself which of its three authors speaks to you.

1 min read

Beauty for Ashes

11 Minute Read

In which I pose the question to anyone who stopped (or started) something because of the Pandemic: Have you now restarted (or stopped) it? 

1 min read

Performing ‘on Broadway’

11 Minute Read

Or How I Inadvertently—and Then Intentionally—Impersonated a Secret Service Agent at a Special Preview of The Phantom of the Opera.

1 min read

Falling Objects

18 Minute Read

Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. W.B. Yeats, The Second Coming

67 min read

Transformatives: An Introduction

44 Minute Read

Indeed, the attempt to live according to the notion that the fragments are really separate is, in essence, what has led to the growing series of extremely urgent crises that is confronting us today.  David Bohm Author’s Preface I began this post as a placeholder for the introduction to five articles on the topic of what I have come to call in my work, Transformatives. What happened instead is worth summarizing before proceeding to the […]

19 min read

Mark’s Bookshelf

13 Minute Read

(For Mark Magleby) I knew who I was this morning, but I’ve changed a few times since then. Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland This post owes its title to a short story in Adventures in Contentment in which David Grayson, the pseudonymous author and principal hero of Ray Stannard Baker’s early 20th-century tales about pastoral life in western Massachusetts, meets and flips the fortunes of a door-to-door book agent to surprising effect. The agent, […]