1 min read

Got Mystery? (Solve for U.)

3 Minute Read

There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. —William (the Alchemist?) Shakespeare

1 min read

Got Gut? (Try Not to Spill It.)

3 Minute Read

When someone tells you it’s not personal but only business, do they believe their own rhetoric? Or merely hide behind an unreliable cliché?

1 min read

Got Bone? (Break a Leg!)

3 Minute Read

Aquinas argues deliberate will. Descartes thinks and, therefore, is. Celine belts My Heart Will Go On. But sometimes, the body just does stuff.

1 min read

What Game Are You Playing?

5 Minute Read

The games we play can end in a minute or go on forever. What happens when we lose track of which game is which?

1 min read

When’s Your Train?

4 Minute Read

Remember that proverbial squirrel spinning its heart out inside the black box of anything that is mysteriously mobile? If Erwin Schrödinger was right, before looking under the lid, there’s an equal chance the mysterious power source is something else entirely.

1 min read

When’s Your Time?

3 Minute Read

Beginning seven hundred years ago, young people were apprenticed to a master until they could come into their own as skilled workers and contributors. Today, we use terms like ‘intern’ and ‘trainee’ to describe an apprentice system that prepares its graduates for positions of choice and accountability.

1 min read

When’s Your Tide?

4 Minute Read

If, as my mother taught me, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, from what fictional materials must the journey not taken be made?

1 min read

When’s Your Turn?

3 Minute Read

When leading a meeting or presentation, it’s never a bad idea to consider that your busy audience might have been tempted to skip it. To recapture their attention, prepare your remarks as if listeners were in the middle of the biggest crisis of their week and only you possess the information they need to get through it.

1 min read

When’s Your Truck?

3 Minute Read

When pondering the future, it might sometimes seem easier just to let the present take us there, no questions asked. Fortunately, if awkward, even painful, the world has a way of begging certain questions. And when it does, maybe we should think twice before choosing not to answer them.